New Names for Most All Schools with Restructuring Plan
WOODBURY: Principals for the 2022-23 school year were named at the February meeting of the Cannon County Board of Education by Cannon County Director of Schools, William Freddy Curtis. During the director’s comment portion of the Cannon County Board of Education meeting — held at Woodbury Grammar School on Thur., Feb. 10, 2022, at 6 PM — the announcement was made for the principals of each school.
Curtis announced that the following individuals were selected to be the instructional leaders for the school system:
Cannon County Elementary School (formerly Woodbury Grammar School), grades pre-kindergarten through fifth grade, located at 530 W. Adams St., Woodbury, TN, Emily Hancock.
Cannon North Elementary School (formerly West Side Elementary School), grades pre-kindergarten through fifth grade, located at 3714 Murfreesboro Rd., Readyville, TN, Karen King.
Cannon South Elementary School (formerly Woodland School), grades pre-kindergarten through fifth grade, located at 8383 Jim Cummings Hwy., Bradyville, TN, Angela Cossey.
Cannon County Middle School (new school, temporarily located at the former Woodbury Grammar School), sixth through eighth grades, Dr. Thurman Tucker.
Cannon County High School, located at 1 Lion Dr., Woodbury, TN, ninth through twelfth grades, Courtney Nichols.
Curtis said, “These individuals will lead their respective schools into a new era of education in Cannon County. As we go forward, I have the utmost confidence that the individuals placed in these important and essential roles will exhibit academic excellence that will impact generations of Cannon County students in the years to come. These instructional leaders are tasked to be ‘Actively Engaged in Excellence Every Day and in EVERY Way!’ and our collective expectation is that each principal will ‘Create a Unified Environment That Will Provide Opportunities for ALL Students to Succeed and Reach Their Full Potential.’ We had some outstanding candidates for the new Cannon County Middle School principal, and we welcome Dr. Thurman Tucker as the newest principal in Cannon County Schools. All of the Cannon County Schools family, starting with these principals, will be working hard in the upcoming weeks and months regarding the restructuring and modernization process for our students. Principals will begin the process by hiring an assistant principal for the 2022-23 school year at each of these schools in the next few weeks. We congratulate those chosen to lead their faculties, support staff, and most of all their students in the up-coming 2022-23 school year.”
Cannon County Schools announce principals for the 2022-23 school year.

For local media inquiries, please contact William Freddy Curtis, Director of Cannon County Schools, at (629) 201-4801, ext. 10101. or at for local Cannon County Schools information.