The Cannon County Convenience Center is where citizens of Cannon County can dispose of solid waste materials.
The Convenience Center is located at:
210 Alexander Dr.
Woodbury, TN 37190
Phone: (615) 563-4922

Mon. – Tue., 8 AM – 5 PM
Thu. – Sat., 8 AM – 5 PM
Note: The Convenience Center is closed for all Federal Holidays.
The Convenience Center accepts household trash, furniture, metal waste, and oil for recycling.
For paper recycling, the following items are permitted; cardboard, newspaper, junk mail, office paper, magazines, paper back books, and hard cover books.
Note: Beginning January 1, 2023, the Convenience Center will accept tires for recycling. The waste tire disposal fee is $3 per tire. The fee can be paid at the Cannon County Executive’s office (110 S. Tatum St. Woodbury) Mon. – Fri., from 8 AM – 4 PM. Upon payment, you will receive a receipt to bring to the Convenience Center to dispose of tires. Cash or check only. Make checks payable to “Cannon County Government.”
Note: All paper items to be recycled must be clean and dry to be accepted.
The Convenience Center does not accept construction waste or yard clippings and debris.