WOODBURY: The Cannon County Board of Education voted on Sep. 8, 2022, to set its meeting dates and times for the 2022-23 term of the Board. As per Cannon County Board of Education Policy 1.402, “Adequate notice of meetings in the case of regular meetings shall consist of the approval of a schedule of all regular meetings for the Board for a year and subsequent posting of this list in the Board/director of schools’ office and in each of the public schools. The schedule shall also be sent to the president of the local education association and to the local news media for periodic announcement. No other notice of regular meetings shall be necessary beyond those stated and the holding of the particular regular meetings at the appointed times, if the date and time of the next regular meeting was announced at the last held board meeting.”
https://tsbanet-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/policy_tsba_net/Eaj5_7ueWFJAq-ORwSLsIccBWpjOOlkySZXvGhu6lw9xhg?e=BwGAmn (opens a Word document in a new tab)
The following chart indicates Cannon County School Board workshop and regular meeting dates for 2022-23.

All workshops and regular meetings time: 6 PM
* per Cannon County Board of Education
Policy 1.400: “Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Thursday of the month.”
** Workshop locations are noted above.
*** School Board Meeting location is: Cannon County Elementary School / Cannon County Middle School cafeteria, 530 W. Adams St., Woodbury, TN 37190.
Cannon County Board of Education Policy 1.400 states:
“Regular Meetings:
Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Thursday of the month. In instances when any regular meeting date falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be rescheduled by the chair.
Special Meetings:
The Board shall hold such special meetings as necessary to transact the business of the Board. Such meetings shall be called by the chair whenever, in the chair’s judgment, the interests of the schools require it, or when requested to do so by a majority of the Board.4
Only business related to the call of the meeting, and details related to agenda items shall be discussed or transacted by the Board at a special meeting.”
https://tsbanet-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/policy_tsba_net/EbVEVfeM7m9OumDAK5SisdMBPW39wgZteUjepxXuulSDxg?e=lG2IBm (opens a Word document in a new tab)
Cannon County Board of Education Secretary and Director of Cannon County Schools, William Freddy Curtis, said, “The public is invited to attend these important meetings in regard to the public schools and students of Cannon County. We have these meeting dates and times posted in the front office of the Cannon County Board of Education and on our website at www.ccstn.net (opens a link in a new tab). The Cannon County Board of Education encourages parents/guardians and other supporters of our schools to interact with their respective School Board Members: Wade McMackins, District 1 (western portion of County County); Rebecca Tramel, Chairman Pro Tem, District 2 (Auburntown, northern, and northeastern portion of Cannon County); Derrick Mullins, Vice Chairman, District 3 (southern portion of Cannon County); Jessica Curtis, (eastern portion of Cannon County); and Aletha Thomas, Chairman of the Board, (Town of Woodbury and a small portion of western Cannon County).”
“The current vision and mission of Cannon County Schools, which has been adopted by the Cannon County Board of Education states, ‘VISION – To Actively Engage in Excellence EVERY Day in EVERY Way! through OUR MISSION – To Create a Unified Environment That Will Provide Opportunities for All Students to Succeed and Reach Their Full Potential! The GOALS of Cannon County Schools and the focus of the Strategic Plan of the Cannon County Board of Education are:
• Provide a safe and supportive learning environment in a unified community;
• Creating a ‘Culture of Excellence’ through high expectations in all areas;
• Engage families and the community as partners in the learning process;
• Develop and implement a long-range facilities plan that provides opportunities and resources for all Students, Faculties, and Staffs.”
“The VISION, MISSION, GOALS, and BELIEFS will be thoroughly reevaluated and revised at an upcoming Board Retreat – Cannon County Planning: A Joint Venture in the very near future” he said.
For media inquiries, contact William Freddy Curtis, Director of Cannon County Schools, at (629) 201-4801, ext. 10101, or at williamf.curtis@ccstn.net for local Cannon County Schools information.