WOODBURY: The Cannon County Board of Education would like to remind Cannon County citizens of its regular monthly workshop and regular monthly meeting dates and times. The regular monthly workshop of the Cannon County Board of Education is scheduled for Tue., Apr. 12, 2022, at 6 PM in the boardroom of the Cannon County Schools Central Office, Cannon County Adams Office Building, first floor, 301 W. Main St., Woodbury, TN 37190, and the regular monthly meeting is scheduled for Thu., Apr. 14, 2022, at 6 PM in the cafeteria of the Woodbury Grammar School, 530 W. Adams St., Woodbury, TN 37190. The regular monthly meeting will be available via ZOOM.
Access for the March regular monthly meeting – Thu., Apr. 14, 2022, at 6 PM is:
CCS Zoom is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Cannon County Board of Education – April MEETING
Time: Apr 14, 2022 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 871 8740 1412
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For media inquiries, contact William F. Curtis, Cannon County Board of Education Secretary and Director of Cannon County Schools, at (629) 201-4801, ext. 10101, or at williamf.curtis@ccstn.net for local Cannon County Schools information.