David Robinson
Director of Planning
Email: David.Robinson@CannonCountyTN.gov
Luke Bryant
Planning Assistant
Email: Luke.Bryant@CannonCountyTN.gov
200 West Main St.
Woodbury, TN 37190
Phone: (615) 563-5263
8 AM to 4 PM Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri.; closed Wednesdays.
Cannon County Building Permits
Cannon County Building Permits (opens a PDF file in a new tab)
Building Permit Application Requirement
If you are applying for a building permit within the Incorporated Town Limits of Woodbury, it is required that you submit a site plan along with your application. The site plan must clearly identify the location of the proposed residence in relation to the property boundaries, ensuring that all setbacks are met.
A site plan can be attached at the end of the building permit application process, prior to selecting “Submit.”
A separate electrical permit is issued by the State Fire Marshall’s Office (opens a link in a new tab)(SFMO).
Cannon County Building Permit FAQ (opens a PDF file in a new tab)
Cannon County Codes Complaints:
Planning Department Overview
The Planning Department consists of three organizations:
The Regional Planning Commission
The name of the Commission shall be “Cannon County Regional Planning Commission” as established and provided by Code Section §13-3-101 of the Tennessee Code Annotated. Other designations of the Commission include “RPC,” “Planning Commission,” and “PC.” In Tennessee, a regional planning commission is a county planning commission that has been designated as regional for a specified planning region outside of, but contiguous to, the corporate boundaries. Within the planning region, regional planning powers apply as opposed to municipal planning powers. A planning region may also consist of one county, two or more contiguous counties, or parts of counties.
- Among the duties of the Regional Planning Commission are the review and approval of subdivision plats in accordance with the Cannon County Subdivision Regulations.
- “Cannon County Subdivision Regulations.” (opens a PDF in a new tab)
CTAS Comprehensive Plan (opens a PDF file in a new tab)
Board of Zoning Appeals
The name of the Board shall be the “Cannon County Board of Zoning Appeals,” as established and provided for by Code Section §13-7-106 of the Tennessee Code Annotated and as established by the Cannon County Board of Commissioners through the “Official Zoning Resolution of Cannon County, Tennessee.” Amended Zoning Ordinance (opens a PDF file in a new tab).
Planning Department
The name of the Department shall be the “Cannon County Zoning Department,” as established by the Cannon County Board of Commissioners through the “Official Zoning Resolution of Cannon County, Tennessee.” Amended Zoning Ordinance (opens a PDF file in a new tab). Other designations of the Department include “Planning Office,” “Planning Division,” “Planning,” and “Zoning.”
Composition of these three organizations
The Regional Planning Commission has seven members; six citizens and one member of the Board of Commissioners.
The Board of Zoning Appeals has five members; two citizens, two members of the Planning Commission and one member of the Board of Commissioners.
The Planning Department is composed of the Land Use Administrator (otherwise designated as the “LUA”) and the Planning Assistant.
Hours and meetings of these organizations
The Regional Planning Commission meets every fourth Tuesday of the month; at
6 PM in the Courtroom of the Cannon County Courthouse.
The Board of Zoning Appeals meets every fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM in the Courtroom of the Cannon County Courthouse.
The Planning Department Office hours are 8 AM – 4 PM, Mon., Tue., Thu., and Fri. The office is closed Wednesday. The office is located on the first floor of the County Courthouse near the west entrance.
Roles and duties of these organizations
The Regional Planning Commission (RPC) administers the Subdivision Regulations; receives and reviews requests to amend the Zoning Ordinance; and makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on the disposition of those requests; and receives and reviews requests to revise or change the Zoning Map (Zoning Cannon County (arcgis.com) (opens link in new tab)). Such a revision/change of the map constitutes an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance; the RPC shall make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on the disposition of rezoning requests.
The Board of Zoning Appeals receives and hears requests for special exceptions to the Zoning Ordinance and makes determinations on the disposition of those requests. It receives and hears requests for Variances (Application for Zoning Variance (opens a PDF in a new tab)) from the Zoning Ordinance and makes determinations on the disposition of those requests, and it hears appeals pertaining to determinations made by the Land Use Administrator.
The Planning Department:
Administers and enforces the provisions of the Cannon County Zoning Ordinance;
Serves as staff to the Regional Planning Commission;
Collects fees (opens a PDF file in a new tab) for actions pertaining to the subdivision regulations;
Receives, administers, and collects fees for zoning change requests;
Serves as staff to the Board of Zoning Appeals;
Receives, administers, and collects fees pertaining to applications for special exceptions;
Receives, administers, and collects fees pertaining to applications for variances;
Receives, administers, and collects fees pertaining to applications for temporary use permits;
Issues and/or collects taxes and/or fees for single family residential building permits, (see Residential Permit FAQs (opens a PDF file in a new tab)), (see Residential Building Permit Fees (opens a link in a new tab)
Adequate Facilities Tax;
School Facilities Privilege Tax resolution (opens a PDF file in a new tab);
School Facilities Privilege Tax acknowledgement;
Zoning Compliance Fees;
Receives, investigates, makes determinations, and/or coordinates hearings by the BZA of zoning related complaints.
Zoning in Cannon County, TN:
Zoning Map (Zoning Cannon County (arcgis.com) (opens link in new tab)).

Planning Commission Re-zoning Application (opens a PDF file in a new tab)
Board of Zoning Appeals Special Exception Application (opens a PDF file in a new tab)
Board of Zoning Appeals Variance Application (opens a PDF file in a new tab)